
  • 29 participants
  • 27 discussions
Re: kde Digest, Vol 91, Issue 1
by William W. Austin
7 years, 11 months
PIM 16.04 F24
by Colin J Thomson
7 years, 11 months
Issue with Chrome and Unity Launcher Support (requires libunity)
by Gerald B. Cox
7 years, 12 months
F24 karma requests (blocker/FE fixes)
by Adam Williamson
7 years, 12 months
Plasma won't wake up after sleep. Black screen with cursor.
by Sudhir Khanger
7 years, 12 months
kf5 ktorrent copr
by Rex Dieter
7 years, 12 months
Recent Apps doesn't seem to be populating in AppDash
by Sudhir Khanger
7 years, 12 months
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