Any linux-based microSD utilities?

Bill McGonigle bill at
Wed Jan 6 21:54:17 UTC 2010

On 01/06/2010 12:48 PM, Max Pyziur wrote:
> However,
> the device doesn't automount, nor can I mount it from root.
> > If the card has failed, I'd like to try and recover whatever data I can.

You could have a card failure or a corrupt filesystem (or both).  Try 
reading the card with something like:

   dd if=/dev/sdb of=myflakeycard.dd bs=2M conv=sync,noerror

If that succeeds, the disk is probably OK.  Usually they're vfat 
filesystems, so look into how to recover those.

 > Can the card be made useable again through some sort of formatting 

something like:

   mkfs -t vfat -n yourphonenumberhere /dev/sdb1

works in my phones and cameras.  That'll wipe your data of course.  The 
-n flag is optional, but in theory a number there will help an honest 
man return your lost device.  It worked once for me anyway.


Bill McGonigle, Owner
BFC Computing, LLC
Telephone: +1.603.448.4440
Email, IM, VOIP: bill at
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