Booting issues with F11

reg at reg at
Sat Jan 16 04:55:13 UTC 2010

I am having real problems.
I have had one machine with F11 on it, and decided to bring all of my 'older'
machines up to F11.

In each case ( 32bit or 64bit machine ) the install goes without problems,
but when I finish the install and it tells me to reboot, the system is 
of rebooting.  It hems, it haws, and then tries an ethernet boot which is the
last of its choices.

The install is there, I can get to it with the rescue disk, but it seems that 
boot block is invalid in some way.

Anyone else seeing this?
Ive tried the installs on three machines at least a dozen times with the same
result.  ANd yes the DVD was downloaded with bittorrent so it should be ok,
and if fact, checking its sha256sum shows it to be correct.

Is this a known problem?
It has turned what I had expected to be an afternoon project (for all machines)
into a week of yelling and screaming at computers...

                                        reg at

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