Rant time: F12 rocks !

Linuxguy123 linuxguy123 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 20:33:01 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 14:45 -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:18:50 -0700
> Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > I can't believe how great everything works these days.
> You must happen to have a video card that works :-).

Well... search my posts or bugzilla and you'll see that I've had my fair
share of video issue both historically and recently.  But after some
playing around and a few of the bugs affecting me did get fixed, things
are pretty good on that front.  

> Actually, I also think f12 is one of the best releases,
> but I also guess it may be another 18 months or so before
> X recovers from all the redesign and starts working
> reliably again :-(.

I have to agree a bit there.  But then again this is Fedora, the cutting
edge release.  We have to expect a bit of that sort of thing, not that I
am giving the developers free reign to ship alpha grade updates. 

I think we've made incredible progress since F8 or so.  KDE4 used to be
terrible and now I find it pretty polished.

The thing that I'm finding is that Linux apps are starting to pass their
Windows equivalents.  In particular, I'm finding OO to be making some
pretty good progress these days. 

Note that I didn't say things were perfect.  I've got issues with sound
myself.   But the rate of improvement is incredible and if things keep
going as they have been, Linux is going to be THE OS to be running, bar
none, regardless of price, being open source, etc. 

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