File Alteration Monitor

Rahul Tidke rahul at
Mon Jan 25 11:59:15 UTC 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at
[mailto:users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sam Varshavchik

>> No. Gamin is a replacement for FAM in earlier Fedora releases. Both use
the same kernel API.

>> You might be misundersting what Gamin/FAM is. It is not a tool for
synchronizing contents of directories. It's an API by which an application
gets notified whenever >> the contents of a directory change. By "contents
of a directory" means "the names of files in a directory", that is "when new
files are created in a directory, existing >> files are removed, or
renamed", and not "contents of any file in a directory". As such, there is
nothing to configure. An application uses the appropriate Gamin/FAM >> API,
and then gets notified when that happens.

I am referring
& , which says FAM can report when
a file is created, deleted, modified, or executed. So if a file gets
modified , isn't that sufficient to initiate sync to other location? Please
correct me if I am wrong.

What I want is:
1) If a file changes (file contents also) it should fire a command for
syncing to other network location.



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