2017-08-05 11:02 GMT+02:00 Gabriele Trombini <g.trombini@gmail.com>:

Il giorno sab 5 ago 2017 alle ore 10:29 <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> ha scritto:



I think that working with FAmSCo we can find that there are a lot of ideas that could be put into place.  In particular, I know that @robyduck is working on some ideas that could help here too.

Let's get creative on how we can make this work.  This means what can we change to get a functioning system without destroying our ability to operate.  As someone "on the ground" your ideas are critical here.

Are they? Sorry I have not seen good output from FAmSCo during the last period, where shall it come from currently there sitting people in this body, they dont know why we had this rules and where they come from. So they assume to know everything and do things wildly just to do something and thats then called success. Thats a joke nothing else.

The current FAmSCo did choose to MAKE someone of them to an Ambassador so that he can serve in that body, instead of doing it the right way, taking the next elected one and why because one of them would have a problem with the next elected one. And even more they re-wrote the rules so that FAmSCo can do it always this way.


The only thing I have seen is someone using his FAmSCo power to decide tickets which are his own or from close friends.....

There are solutions for it and they have to be discussed amongst the Ambassadors of the region and not be decided by FAmSCo.

Hello, Sirko.

Only few things here. You know I respect you and that I'm cosidering you a friend of mine as well, but you really are bothering with this fact.
I wish we could discuss face to face, but we could not.
You know I was thinking the same way as you, before the confirm of the seats, but  a democratic votation inside FAmSCo ended with the results you are aware.
I accepted this decision, why you cannot?
So you have a really strange idea of what is democratic and what is not. If the decision was in the hands of actual FAmSCo, who are you to do not accept it?
So, please, go further and don't try to persuade people to think as you think.

Hope to see you soon.


So, I was replying to Sirko's accusations to the actual FAmSCo and its activity of the last months. I think we did a lot and clarified many points, trying to make them better.
We even tried to be nearer to all ambassadors and I think we succeeded doing that. Having 10 nominations (many from NA, which was the region for the last years not represented at all) for 3 seats means, we are interesting again and probably moved into the right direction.
That said, I stopped writing when I saw Gabri's reply; he was able to resume all the points very well and I agree with him. Sirko, don't look always on negative things from the past, try to contribute with positive energy and make concrete proposals as you did during all these years.


Robert Mayr