2015-08-28 20:33 GMT+02:00 Momcilo Medic <fedorauser@fedoraproject.org>:
Hi fellow Ambassadors,

Since the last two EMEA meetings weren't held, we didn't get to approve
the ticket for BalCCon funding [1], and that is why I am asking for
your input this way.

Jiri gave me an advice to look for Ambassadors to approve on a ticket
individually rather than to wait for actual meeting since the event is
near and plane tickets are going up.

So, here is the mail asking for your input. Not asking for direct
approval, but asking for your evaluation of the ticket.

Thank you in advance.

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/498

Kind regards,
Momcilo 'Momo' Medic.

ambassadors mailing list

Yes, that's a good idea to put it here.
The Region (EMEA) can approve the ticket with at least 5 votes, I think we have still budget left because I know of some events which didn't take place, so 750$ is ok from that point.
Just as a further input, it's fedorauser's first event, and he is getting help from ambassadors from outside his country, which is just awesome. In this area we don't have many contributors, and neither ambassadors, so this could be a good opportunity to speak to some interested persons too.

For me it's +1.

Robert Mayr