On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 2:12 PM, sean darcy <seandarcy2@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 1:23 PM, sean darcy <seandarcy2@gmail.com> wrote:
> Amazon has started offering a year free trial: Ihttp://aws.amazon.com/free.
 > Supposedly the Micro instance in the free trial supports both 32 and 64 bit:

Just to clarify - the 32bit/64bit part has nothing to do with what is not working.  Amazon has two options for the mounted filesystems; EBS, and S3.  They made a decision for some reason that the micro size would only be available to EBS-backed AMIs - which is odd, considering that a micro should be the most throw-away, and ebs is more permanent than S3.  The Fedora AMIs are currently only available as S3-backed images.  Those will be converted to EBS soon, however - at which point you'll be able to use the micro instances with the official Fedora AMIs.

Does that makes sense?  The error message you got gave this answer, but was cryptic - and we can't really get in the business of helping construct ec2-run-instances commands, and interpreting the results - that's a bit outside the scope of the group, I'd think (you'd have the same result if you were running that command on a solaris workstation, to build an ubuntu instances; it's not Fedora on the Cloud-related). You should try euca2ools anyway, works better ;)

Brian LaMere