Hey Justin,

Interestingly, I noticed the same issue just today in our CI. Did some debugging in [1], but here is a quick summary.

Due to the new way of gaining and dropping administrative access in Cockpit, this message crept up into every test.
We of course adjusted our tests, but due to locking down versions of cockpit tests in external projects, this change was not propagated.
The best option is to bump up the version of tests to 219. I just did that for two external projects that were affected, see for example [2].
If that would be impractical (possibly as it would break your tests in any other way), then just calling `allow_authorize_journal_messages()` in every affected test should be enough.

I checked how you run tests and you pick tests from rhel-8.2 branch [3], which is now locked down. We don't have yet 8.3 branch, we use master for that. I suggest using tag `219`, that should work.

Hope this helps!

[1] https://github.com/cockpit-project/bots/pull/889
[2] https://github.com/cockpit-project/starter-kit/pull/317
[3] http://pkgs.devel.redhat.com/cgit/rpms/cockpit-session-recording/tree/tests/verify.sh?h=rhel-8.3.0#n32

On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 6:38 PM Justin Stephenson <jstephen@redhat.com> wrote:

I am validating some tests in cockpit-session-recording downstream in dist-git, but they are failing when tests are being executed from the cockpit bots repository:


A full test run can be found here:


I tried setting the environment variable below before running the tests but it still fails with the same errors:

  # export TEST_ALLOW_JOURNAL_MESSAGES=".*Permission denied.*"

It could be the way we are running the tests is outdated:


Is there a known fix for this, or can I avoid running these tests completely when I am attempting to run our tests only.

Thanks a lot.


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Matej Marušák

Software Engineer

Red Hat