
I don't have any other systems off hand I can think of.  That was just a generalisation on basis of the fact that I have a router and a NAS both using the opkg package manager. 

Re: backports, thanks for that, never head of them before and succeed in enabling them and updating my main Dev box (an 18.04 system still) to:

Version: 215-1~ubuntu18.04.1

Alas the page shared:

I'm aware of but it is lacking a little in maintenance (refers to Ubuntu 17, and uses apt-get, long deprecated in favour of apt as an end user interface, since Ubuntu 16 anyhow):

but more importantly doesn't list any opkg options. Such systems are typically about as gutsy as an Rpi but for some reason Rpi's opted for a Debian base with Raspbian, while embedded systems like OpenWRT opted for even more streamlined distros than that in my experience lean on BusyBox:

Would be kind of nice to see embedded Linux systems on cockpit as well (and vice versa).

Kind regards,


On 14/5/20 6:32 pm, Garrett LeSage wrote:
Hi Bernd,

What are your "other systems"?

Cockpit 164 was released on Mar 21, 2018 — it's over 2 years old. There have been many, many changes to Cockpit over the past 2 years.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, you're able to enable the extras repository to install Cockpit. (RHEL 8 does not require extras.)

Modern versions of Cockpit are available in "backports" for both Debian and Ubuntu.

(I think everywhere else should automatically have newer versions of Cockpit...)

As you have mentioned the latest version of Ubuntu LTS, I'm going to guess that the other systems might be the previous version of Ubuntu LTS? If so, backports are probably the way to go:

More information on installing Cockpit on various distributions is available at — including links to additional documentation (within the Cockpit project website and also offsite too).

Hopefully this helps!


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