Hi all,

We're going to change the format of the weekly Fedora CoreOS IRC meetings a bit.  Starting next week, we'll no longer use an Etherpad agenda, and will go back to requiring that discussion topics have `meeting` tickets.  (We'll still have open floor for brief announcements or side discussions.)  If there are no `meeting` tickets 18 hours before the meeting (9:30 PM UTC on Tuesday), we'll cancel the meeting by sending a message to this list.

The goal of this change is to focus discussion on topics that could use input or debate, and to help ensure that folks who can't attend the meeting can still participate via the `meeting` tickets.  If you have a topic related to Fedora CoreOS development that could benefit from debate or input from the community, please feel free to file an issue at <https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues>.

--Benjamin Gilbert