Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-1_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2024-05-15/fedora-coreos-meeting.2024-05-15-16.29.html
Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-1_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2024-05-15/fedora-coreos-meeting.2024-05-15-16.29.txt
Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/meeting-1_matrix_fedoraproject-org/2024-05-15/fedora-coreos-meeting.2024-05-15-16.29.log.html

===================================== # #meeting-1:fedoraproject.org: fedora_coreos_meeting ===================================== Meeting started by @jbtrystram:matrix.org at 2024-05-15 16:29:16 Meeting summary --------------- * TOPIC: roll call (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 16:30:02) * TOPIC: Action items from last meeting (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 16:35:04) * INFO: dustymabe and a few people will get together this week to cover an overview of the changes process we follow and try to pick it up for the F41 cycle (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:37:16) * TOPIC: revisit python discussion (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 16:38:58) * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1730 (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 16:39:19) * INFO: take some time to consider the python discussion from this week's meeting (see transcript) and we will discuss next week (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:12:08) * ACTION: : All to think about the python discussion (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 17:12:50) * TOPIC: NetworkManager-team & teamd not included in C10S (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 17:13:35) * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1727 (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 17:13:46) * ACTION: ravanelli to contact the libteam maintainers to figure out if they intend to drop the package from fedora (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 17:26:35) * TOPIC: Open Floor (@jbtrystram:matrix.org, 17:28:25) Meeting ended at 2024-05-15 17:41:53 Action items ------------ * : All to think about the python discussion * ravanelli to contact the libteam maintainers to figure out if they intend to drop the package from fedora People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @dustymabe:matrix.org (57) * @siosm:matrix.org (34) * @jbtrystram:matrix.org (33) * @jlebon:fedora.im (19) * @zodbot:fedora.im (12) * @ravanelli:matrix.org (10) * @jmarrero:matrix.org (7) * @dogphilosopher:fedora.im (4) * @apiaseck:matrix.org (3) * @marmijo:fedora.im (2) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2) * @mnguyen:fedora.im (1) * @gurssing:matrix.org (1) * @hricky:fedora.im (1)