Dear Kevin,

On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 8:12 PM Kevin Kofler via devel <> wrote:
Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> 4) Fetch build artifacts before executing tests


Or better: Do not execute tests to begin with! rm -rf test in %prep and
NEVER run tests during builds. Even when the tests are all legitimate, all
it does is slow down the build (e.g., compare glibc build times without and
with tests) and every so often break it because the test, not the software,
is broken. And a claimed "test file" is what allowed the payload to be snuck
in here.

It's a terrible idea. Sorry.
Unit tests are something for upstream developers. They should NEVER be run
in a distribution build.

The first thesis is completely wrong. Having, say, a 30+ downstream patches and declining to run upstream tests is the most effective way to break a gazillion use-cases.

But the fuzzing tests look quite dangerous to me here and now. No one can review a corpse of binary files :(

Dmitry Belyavskiy