Hello LATAM!

Please remember we have an annual budget. In that moment, we estimated USD 4450 for swag. Due to the general cut, I propose to have a limit of USD 3000 (if less, much better) to be able to use Neville RH credit card directly.

Please take in consideration that important point.

If you got any questions, do not hesitate to ask them.


2016-08-27 19:03 GMT-05:00 Athos Coimbra Ribeiro <athoscribeiro@gmail.com>:
#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting 2016-08-27

Meeting started by athos at 23:00:36 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (athos, 23:01:06)

* Swags for Fedora Latam  (athos, 23:05:18)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/359   (athos,
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_LATAM_FY17   (alexove,
  * AGREED: Postpone deadline to change requests for swag until
    Wednesday  (athos, 23:22:25)
  * ACTION: ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until
    friday, before the next meeting  (athos, 23:22:40)
  * ACTION: Invite Neville to attend the next meeting - We need input on
    the credit card limits to actually buy the swags  (athos, 23:24:02)

* OpenFloor  (athos, 23:24:56)

Meeting ended at 23:36:36 UTC.

Action Items
* ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until friday,
  before the next meeting
* Invite Neville to attend the next meeting - We need input on the
  credit card limits to actually buy the swags

Action Items, by person
  * ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until friday,
    before the next meeting
  * Invite Neville to attend the next meeting - We need input on the
    credit card limits to actually buy the swags

People Present (lines said)
* athos (80)
* alexove (27)
* zodbot (23)
* chinosoliard (23)
* itamarjp (8)
* yosef7 (7)
* yulytas (7)
* potty (6)
* wolnei (5)
* em3rson (4)
* deadrat (3)
* x3mboy (3)
* fredlima (3)
* xmrbrz (2)
* kovalevsky (2)
* bernardoha (1)

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Athos Ribeiro

Embajadores-fedora-latam mailing list

Abdel G. Martínez L.