
On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 9:19 AM Frederic Ayrault via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:

When I run the command, I get this message
CA is not configured on this system
The ipa-cacert-manage command failed.

"replace our external CA to an Internal one", do you mean that IPA was installed CA-less (with HTTP and LDAP certificates provided by an external CA), or with an embedded CA signed by an external CA?

In the first case, you need to install a CA on any of the IPA servers, using ipa-ca-install. This will create an IPA CA, then you need to download this new IPA CA certificate on all your IPA machines (server/replicas/clients) with ipa-certupdate. Please note that this does not replace the HTTP and LDAP server certificates. Also note that it is recommended to install the CA services on at least 2 servers (using ipa-ca-install on the other server). Full doc is available at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html-single/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/index#CA-less-to-CA

In the second case, you need to identify where the CA role is already installed (ipa config-show displays the list of servers with the CA role), and run the command provided by Rizwan on this node. Full doc is available at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html-single/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/index#change-cert-chaining


Thank you



Frédéric AYRAULT
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole polytechnique

Le 09/10/2023 à 09:11, Mohammad Rizwan Yusuf a écrit :

What procedure did you follow to renew your CA from external to self-signed.

$ ipa-cacert-manage renew --self-signed
Above command should renew CA to self-signed

On Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 5:40 PM Frederic Ayrault via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:

I need to replace our external CA to an Internal one.

We tried several ways without success. One of them was to do a backup with ipa-backup or db2bak
reinstall the serveur with an internal CA and restore the datas. But this also restore the external CA.

Is there a way to backup or restore only the users, groups, roles, ... ?

I am still running ipa 4.6.8 from Centos7

Thank you



Frédéric AYRAULT
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole polytechnique

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Mohammad Rizwan


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