Finally a progress update...

The Change is running late but I expect to finish pushing and building all the updated packages in the next few days: building is already underway.

Note that f30 already branched as you probably know, but I am still building the packages into the f30-ghc sidetag and then releng will tag the completed builds into both f30 and f31.
Currently I am building from master branch into f30-ghc, but I will be merging the master branches into f30 rsn...

Please avoid touching master branches and DO NOT commit to f30 branches until this work is completed, thank you!

If anyone wants me to git push to master sooner to see their changes early just let me know and I can easily do that.

I have build everything locally (except haskell-platform which may well get retired), so crossed-fingers everything is looking good so far.
Also I released cabal-rpm-0.13.1 on Hackage which should correspond to the final f30 packaging.

Let me know if you have questions or concerns,


On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 9:09 AM Jens-Ulrik Petersen <> wrote:
Hi Haskell SIG,

I just have prepared this Change proposal for F30:

Feedback is welcome, as well as offers of assistance if you are able to help.

Thanks, Jens

Jens Petersen
Associate Manager
i18n Software Engineering
Emerging Platform Group
Platform Engineering