On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:52 AM Robb Shecter <dogweather@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
I joined because I use Haskell on Fedora as my development environment. But is this project aimed at Haskell for developers? It's kind of hard for me to tell. E.g., I use Stack. And to install it on Fedora, I go to the Stack website and follow their instructions...

Hi Robb, unfortunately we haven't packaged up stack yet in Fedora itself - it has a lot dependencies to build.
But as Fraser mentioned I do have a stack copr repo.

But yes Fedora Haskell is intended to be used, but of course if you want to use stack then it will build packages without using the Fedora packages.
cabal-install is probably more distro-friendly in that sense. cabal-rpm can also install rpms with some cabal-install integration.

Hope that helps a little,
