I am surprised because for me "konqueror" worked before. I only stopped working now. 

Dne čt 26. bře 2020 21:02 uživatel John Pilkington <johnpilk222@gmail.com> napsal:
On 26/03/2020 18:52, Lukas Ruzicka wrote:
> Hello KDE folks,
> our application start stop test has revealed that Konqueror cannot be
> started from the menu by typing "konqueror" and hitting enter. Instead,
> an application to set "Locations" is started.
> Please let me know if
>   * removing Konqueror is a purpose
>   * or if this is a bug - if so, I will report it for you to be able to
>     track it.
> Thanks a lot
> --
> Lukáš Růžička

I have been using  konqueror as my default file manager and viewer for
at least 15 years.  I don't use it as a browser, and dolphin seems not
to offer useful things like bookmarks.

In my el7 system konqueror is invoked from the menu by

'kdesu kfmclient openProfile filemanagement'

and in fc30 by 'kfmclient openURL' with the start screen set to ~

These are almost certainly neither optimum nor the system defaults, but
I can work with them.  The biggest problem is remembering what they are
if I want to set up another system.  konqueror would certainly be easier.

Thanks for asking.

John P
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