Hi Antonio.

The problem is in the project metadata. When I open the SRPM this package is built from and the take a look at the source tarball, I find this in the src/future/__init__.py:

__ver_major__ = 0
__ver_minor__ = 18
__ver_patch__ = 2

So it seems that they released version 0.18.3 with the wrong version in this file. This is already fixed upstream and when I download the tarball again, it also has a different hash.

I did a mock rebuild with the new tarball and the result contains:

Provides: future = 0:0.18.3-2.fc38 future-python3 = 0:0.18.3-2.fc38 python-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38 python3-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38 python3.11-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38 python3.11dist(future) = 0.18.3 python3dist(future) = 0.18.3

Have a nice day.


On 1/13/23 21:52, Antonio T. sagitter wrote:

Hi all.

Latest release of `future`, the 0.18.3 (https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=32957279), is generating

future = 0:0.18.3-2.fc38
future-python3 = 0:0.18.3-2.fc38
python-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38
python3-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38
python3.11-future = 0.18.3-2.fc38
python3.11dist(future) = 0.18.2    <---
python3dist(future) = 0.18.2      <---   

Can you help to understand why?


Antonio Trande
Fedora Project
mailto: sagitter@fedoraproject.org
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