I'm trying to get selinux working in a different linux distribution where the directory structure differs from the fedora / redhat pattern.  I'm attempting to use the fedora selinux src rpm as a starting point, but of course lots of files are being labelled incorrectly due to the directory differences.  I can identify the incorrectly labelled files and I know how to get them labelled correctly.  But I need to be able to make a new source rpm based on the fedora selinux src rpm, including the necessary changes, so I can distribute and maintain the policy over time. 

I can execute "rpmbuild -bp  SPECS/selinux-policy.spec" to generate the fedora patched policy source in the BUILD directory.  Then I can make my changes there.  But I need to be able to regenerate the src rpm including those changes.  And I need to be able to maintain this over time as the reference policy evolves, by dropping in a new reference policy tgz and regenerating the patch files.   Surely there's a better way than "vi policy-F12.patch"!

I presume there are tools / scripts / instructions to help with this.   Can someone point me in the right direction?

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