Hi guys,

My name is Henrique, I'm 19 years old and i live at Ribeirao Preto at the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Well , i have a fews years with linux haha like 2 years, i started when i heard that linux was awesome for development, in that time i was in my Tech Study at Centro Paula Souza but was awful experienced, it was ubuntu distro and i only got erros with aptitude, i didnt knew how to fix it, then i remove linux from my pc and then after years, i brought a course about cyber security and the teacher had a fedora distro, then i thought lest try it... and i download , installed and maaaaan was good, dnf worked really great, no bugs, no problems that's it, after that i tried other distros good but not perfect as i think, they we're based on debian or ubuntu and i didn't liked and i got back to fedora.

Well today, i'm doing a undergraduate course in computer science.

i love fedora and love new things, new releases and i want to contribute with it.


att Henrique M. Junqueira

IRC : erMonaco