Hi team,

I think I need a sponsor to continue with this process, probably mentor to help?

Kind regards,

El jue., 29 mar. 2018 a las 19:35, pablo (<pablodav@gmail.com>) escribió:
Hi team,

I'm glad to join to Fedora test Team. I have working with fedora since
Fedora 24 at home with two personal computers (laptop and desktop). And
 I'm more and more happy with Fedora on each release.

I have used to upgrade my Fedora boxes on Testing days (pre-beta) for
all releases since 25, and also reported some bugs in bugzilla.

I haven't found bugs testing Fedora 28 today, so now I'm interested on
contributing more with needed testing for things I don't use to test.

My name is Pablo Estigarribia, I'm 33 years old and live at Fray Bentos
Uruguay. I'm a sysadmin/netadmin since around 12 years ago, now also
working with some devops and many IT projects at work.

I have also sent request to join to Fedora QA group.

