On Sun, Sep 19, 2021, 2:23 PM stan via test <test@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a rawhide update issue, or a problem with the
hard drive (sata spinning) itself.  But, after updates a few days ago,
the file system (ext4) eventually hangs and is corrupted.  I see a glibc
update, but nothing else that looks suspicious, though I'm no expert on
what might impact the file system.  The reason I'm not sure it is the
drive is that when I boot and run smartctl from that partition, it
tells me the hard drive is fine (PASSED). After it locks up with
terrible messages like unable to find superblock 0, etc., I can then
boot into an older Fedora and run e2fsck, and it fixes the errors.

Could you file a bug and include: e2fsprogs version; kernel version for initial use (installation); kernel version the problem appears with, if different; and compete dmesg.

Once filed, post the URL here. Thanks

Chris Murphy