On 14/6/24 23:24, lejeczek via users wrote:
Hi guys.

I think it came with an update a few releases ago - Thunderbird no longer stays on the monitor it was on, prior to screen-saver.
After screen-saver was invoked, Thunderbird goes onto the main monitor always - for those of us who have two-monitor setup, needless to say.
I wonder if Fedorians see this - Thunderbird & Firefox (multiple windows/instances) not remembering it's monitor position, has been an on-off issue for a last few yeas - with other apps too?

Perhaps answers here, could be useful feedback for devel - as to whether it's Gnome/Wayland & all-apps or/and only given apps(their issue).

thanks, L.

I'm not sure this is helpful, but it may be an attempt to emulate windows. I have a similar issue under Windows 10 where all apps, not relative to the screen saver, when minimised and subsequently maximised display on the monitor configured as the primary monitor. I have always hated this functionality.


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