No, they don't. Same bullshit about token. Do they have any communication channel to tell them that authentication is not working? 

I'm using Tutanota - the end-to-end encrypted email service

Sep 16, 2022, 18:13 by
On Thu, 15 Sep 2022 23:17:24 +0200 (CEST)
None via users <> wrote:
Hi there!
What the shit is going on with Askfedora? I've registered on
Fedoraproject, but when I try to login to Askfedora with my
credentials, it gives me some crap about expired authentication
token. Although I'm not logged in and can't have any token, let alone

I don't use askfedora so I can't check if it works for me, but do your
credentials work to log into the actual fedora project, their original
purpose? It might be that there is an issue with them or the site. And
it could be that communication between askfedora and fedora is
temporarily down, so that they cannot be validated, and so you get the
message that says they are expired because they can't be validated. Try
again in a while?
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