Hi Alexis,

- One :
you are right .
My key_partition is 6CF4-C3AA , and with this path I could see the USB memory flash from command line.
Thank you for your help .

Could you -only-  give me a link to learn better about the mechanism of the path used in the automatic mount operation ?

- Two
I have problem to understand what is the key_part parameter to use for mounting operation...
my USB device is releved as 

(I used the command ls /dev/sd* -l)

What is the key_part to use? 
When I look to it with Nautilus I dont see partitions there ....

Thank you


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Alexis Jeandet <alexis.jeandet@member.fsf.org> wrote:

You should see your key in /run/media/your_session_/your_key_partition
If you want to know the current path from Nautilus, you can use CTRL+L.

To mount it manually, just use "mount /dev/your_key_part(someting like sdb1 for example)  /your_mount_point" mount is supposed to detect the partition format.
Also "df -h" could be useful.

Best regards,
Le 29/07/2014 11:49, Angelo Moreschini a écrit :

I have some problems to use USB memories .

Fedora recognize automatically thr USB pen  that I plug inside a USB socket:

..... I can see it as 
Bus 002 Device 003: id 0781:5575 SanDisk Corp
as result of command "lsubs".

I can also go inside it using Nautilus, and to work with the files stored 
inside it *but only if I use Nautilus*.
Instead I cannot use this pen by the terminal (using commands line).

If I execute :
ls /mnt/dir_where_is_mounted,
 I don't see the files that are inside the pen.., .. the output is not rigth ....

I thougth it necessary to mount manually the USB pen for achieve this targhet
but I didn't get success also in this way...

Can some one explain me how tho work with my USB  pen *by command line*?

We need (manually)  to mount the USB devices (memory flash, Hard Disk, ..) to achieve some purpouse ?


Thank you

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