On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 2:22 PM home user <mattisonw@comcast.net> wrote:
(f-38; gnome)
Good morning,

While doing my weekly "dnf upgrade" a little while ago, I got the following pop-up at the top of the screen"
Low Disk Space on"boot"
The volume "boot" has only 20.9 MB disk space remaining.

Examine   Ignore
Seeing that a new kernel needs...
over 74,000,000 (initrams*)
over 14,700,000 (vmlinuz*)
over  8,800,000 (System.map*)
over    200,000 (config*)
over 97,700,000 total,
I suspect that the next time I do weekly patches (next Thursday), it will fail.

I'm only keeping 2 old kernels now.  I did not do anything to shrink /boot.  What has grown so much recently?  What do I delete?

Is there anything in your /boot/lost+found?

George N. White III