On 20 Sep 2023, at 01:41, Bill Cunningham <bill.cu1234@gmail.com> wrote:

    I had to reinstall my windows system which is fine it takes care of itself. But, I have to install my entire fedora system from scratch. Is there a way to simply reinstall the boot loader code without having to install from scratch with a UEFI system? I'm sure there is but I don't know about it. There's also a command called "efibootmgr" is this what I am looking for? AFAIK fedora doesn't install more partitions but just code in the /boot/efi partition. How can I reinstall or repair boot loader code without touching the system? Without having to reinstalling from scratch?

In my notes I saved this command for fixing fedora booting on one of my systems.
(I had a system that would fill its EFI variable space and need a full reset)

efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/md126 --part 2 --loader /EFI/fedora/shim.efi --label Fedora

In this case /dev/md126 is my raided fedora disk, replace with your disk.

/dev/md126p2 - VFAT - EFI

Partition 2 is what is mounted on /boot/EFI, change the 2 as needed.



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