On 05/09/2012 05:20 AM, Ankur Sinha wrote:
On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 23:11 -0600, JD wrote:
$ pulseaudio --start
E: main.c: Daemon startup failed. 
Try starting it with verbose on:

$ pulseaudio --start --log-level=10 

etc. and see if you get anything meaningful on the failure?

I read the man page and indeed it says
              If an argument is passed, set the log level to the specified value, oth‐
              erwise  increase  the  configured verbosity level by one. The log levels
              are numerical from 0 to 4, corresponding to error, warn,  notice,  info,
              debug. Default log level is notice, i.e. all log messages with lower log
              levels are printed: error, warn, notice.

$ pulseaudio --log-level=10 --start
E: cmdline.c: --log-level expects log level argument (either numeric in range 0..4 or one of debug, info, notice, warn, error).
E: main.c: Failed to parse command line.