On Tue, Sep 6, 2022 at 11:46 PM Jonathan Ryshpan <jonrysh@pacbell.net> wrote:

For USB, see https://github.com/OpenPrinting/ipp-usb.  The "Issues" section has
examples of troubleshooting on linux:
So there are, but none of them seems to have much to do with my situation.

The problems/printer models aren't the same, but some of the troubleshooting methods
could help pin down the problem.  One reason troubleshooting IPP-USB is hard (quoting the README):

Unfortunately, the naive implementation, which simply relays a TCP connection to USB, does not work. It happens because closing the TCP connection on the client side has a useful side effect of discarding all data sent to this connection from the server side, but it does not happen with USB connections. In the case of USB, all data not received by the client will remain in the USB buffers, and the next time the client connects to the device, it will receive unexpected data, left from the previous abnormally completed request.

Actually, it is an obvious flaw in the IPP-over-USB standard, but we have to live with it.

The easy workaround would be to switch to a network connection.   Opening an issue on the ipp-usb
github site takes effort, but could be a useful contribution to the community.  

George N. White III