On 01/23/2013 03:05 PM, Dario Faggioli wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-01-23 at 12:17 +0000, M A Young wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Dario Faggioli wrote:
>>> Just booting another option, executing manually `grub2-mkconfig
>>> -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' and rebooting again did the trick.
>> The standard Fedora location for the grub2 configuration file is
>> /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
> Yes, your right, and hat was what I meant (I always got it wrong because
> I come from Debian, where the '2' is not there). Sorry.
>> and this is updated for me when the xen-hypervisor
>> package is updated, so I am not sure why your configuration is
>> there.
> As said above, config is in grub2.cfg for me too, and I'm sure that a
> plain reboot, following an upgrade, did not succeed, until I booted a
> non-xen option and rebuild the config manually. If it works for you, it
> must be something related to my installation, which is annoying, but
> less worrisome... I don't mind rerunning grub2-mkconfig, what I wanted
> to make sure is it wasn't something being hit by everyone using Xen. :-)

I've the same exact problem. I had to manually run grub2-mkconfig in my
all F17 boxes.

> Thanks and Regards,
> Dario
> --
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