

I used to run Windows XP inside a XEN virtual machine on FC6.

Everything was perfect.

To connect to the Windows XP virtual machine, I used to run rdesktop.


Today I installed FC7 from scratch and tried to use my Windows XP virtual machine and I noticed a very strange behaviour:


All of this stuff runs on a Dell Latitude D620 laptop.

This laptop offers a touchpad, a trackpoint and of course USB ports on which I connect a 3 button wheel mice.

FC7 is up to date and all packages are at last date version, including XEN.

Now when I connect to the Windows XP virtual machine via rdesktop, after a few minutes the trackpoint and the mouse get weird: when using either the trackpoint or the mouse moving rightwards, the pointer gets “stuck” on the left border of the screen whereas I can still use the touchpad and things don’t get messed up.

However, when using FC7 without XEN, I don’t encounter this trouble.

Have you ever heard of such a problem?

